PART ONE: Spaceship Earth - A Flight Status Report
We'll open with a flight status report to our fellow passengers and crew aboard Spaceship Earth. Host, Ian Booth, will offer an eye-opening update as he did in his work with John Denver and the Windstar Foundation (shown here) honoring futurist Buckminster Fuller's World Game.
What you'll learn: In Search of Equilibrium offers a clear and sometimes humorous look at our spaceship's on-board flight status: our resources, our carrying capacity, our life-support systems and much more. Then we'll bring things down to Earth.
PART TWO: Lifestyle Equilibrium
In Part Two we'll see how climate lifestyle offers a fresh approach to the challenges of climate change, environmental decline, economic uncertainty and more. We'll talk about rediscovering resource literacy. That's the lost art of thinking in terms of resources as naturally as we think of money, and how it can impact your choices.
Get in the game! If you are ready to get involved and would like to safely host a presentation (about 45 minutes) in Asheville and surrounding area, or if you would like to host a virtual gathering, we are available to join you. Simply contact us for more information. You may discover new possibilities for yourself, your family and your community.