Ian Booth
"I'm a graduate of Guilford College, founded in 1837 by the Quakers. The school has a deep history of encouraging students to take personal responsibility for the world we live in. I think that's where I first realized that we can all make a difference if we just jump in!" From, If a Frog Had Wings
CLIMATE NOW - Asheville, NC, 2015 to present: Develop and deliver live events, performances and media that showcase the principles, techniques and technologies of climate lifestyle
SUSTAINABLE NOW - Asheville, NC, 1999 to 2015: A non-profit program to study and advance community sustainability. Developed symposia and trainings in western North Carolina to elevate public understanding of the term "sustainability." Producer and host of the Green Radio Bistro - 2006 - 2009. An experimental TV and radio variety show featuring live music, comedy, kids reports and guest interviews highlighting technologies and strategies to help viewers and listeners move toward a "green" lifestyle.
MOUNTAIN AREA ECOTOURISM PROJECT: Asheville, NC, 1998 to 1999 - Organized and produced the Ecotourism Summit in cooperation with Handmade in America. Presented state, national and international experts on ecotourism, sample ecotourism field experiences and eco-entertainment to promote sustainable tourism in the North Carolina mountain region. Co-hosted a visiting delegation from the Peoples Republic of China studying the U.S. National Park system.
CENTER FOR ENVIRONMENTAL ARTS AND MEDIA: Asheville, NC, 1996 to 1997 - Produced the environmental music awards program and CD, Road to Paradise, in cooperation with the Governor's Year of the Mountains Commission.
MEDIA CONSULTANT: Boulder, CO, 1991 to 1996 - Produced educational and promotional media for the Institute for Human Skills, Lockerbie Resource Group, Concerts for the Earth and the Values and Visions Institute.
INSIDER PRODUCTIONS: Boulder, CO, 1988 to 1991 - Co-created, produced, and performed in It's About Time, a Soviet-American mixed-media performance about life aboard Spaceship Earth, our on-board flight conditions and our possibilities for the future. Developed the script, business plan, promotional media, marketing materials, video and sound editing. Co-managed cast and technical crew, performed in pilot performances in the United States and the Soviet Union.
PROJECT CONSULTANT: Aspen, CO, 1986 to 1988 - Consultant to the Windstar Foundation's traveling mixed-media performance It's About Time based on Buckminster Fuller's World Game. Presented global population, food, energy and resource issues. Co-developed the marketing and logistics program and co-authored the performance script. Technical director of It's About Time with John Denver. Energy consultant to Dutch engineer for SOFAM Beheer with Amory Lovins at the Rocky Mountain Institute.
ENERGY CONSULTANT: Asheville, NC, 1982 to 1986 - Conducted residential and light commercial energy audits, created analytical software to prioritize energy design and retrofit options. Worked with SUNY Stonybrook physicists to troubleshoot Solar Performance and Energy Conservation Software (SPECS); co-authored the SPECS User Manual.
THE ALPHA PROJECT: Asheville, NC, 1980 to 1982 - Developed a community education project to demonstrate residential resource techniques for self reliance including energy conservation and solar design, water conservation and grey-water management, residential food systems and more. Presented public seminars on the environmental, economic and personal benefits of residential resource management.
MUSICIAN: Ian has been a performing musician and singer-songwriter since college. IanBooth.com
MUSIC PRODUCER: Atlanta, GA - Managed Nada Brahma Productions, played in the Atlanta based progressive rock band Flood.
AUTHOR: Guidelines for Event Coordinators - a handbook for sponsoring community events;
Colonel Richard's Secret - a memoir celebrating the life of US Air Force Col. Henry RichardEDUCATION
Guilford College: Bachelor of Science - Political Science
University of Colorado: Post-graduate independent study - global resource analysis and Ecological Economics
Cornerstones Institute: Certification in residential and light commercial energy auditing, state certified in North Carolina and Maine
Duke University: Nicholas School of the Environment, post-graduate certification in Ecotourism
Landmark Training: Forum, Advanced Course, CAP, CPC and Team Management and Leadership Program - T1
Securities License: Boulder, CO 1993 - NASD Series 22 and Series 63