Climate Now - for our future

Upload a Video

Thank you for becoming a Community Leader! Your payment has been processed and a receipt emailed to you from PayPal. Now you're ready to upload a video to your Contact Information page, and up to three videos in the Local Knowledge directory. We recommend that your videos be no more than two or three minutes in length. For best results, introduce yourself and your company (if relevant) and say a word or two about your topic. Keep it short, interesting, informative and fun to watch! This can be smartphone or other video that you have posted to YouTube, Vimeo, or other video hosting service.

1. First, open a browser window to and another browser window to watch your video online and make sure it's functioning properly. If it looks good, put the cursor inside the web address window at the top of the page. (See the example below.) Highlight the whole address and enter the "copy" command.


2. Next, click on the Climate Now window and log in with your username and password. (If you have a problem logging in, text us at 828-712-3441, 9 AM - 5 PM Monday - Friday, and we'lll get back to you as soon as we can.) While you're logged in, please make sure your contact information is current.

3. Once you're logged in, scroll down to Community Leaders: Post a video.

4. You can post that video on your contact page by pasting the web address in the box creatively entitled "Contact page video." Then click the "submit" button to finish.

5. To post your video in the Local Knowledge section, paste the web address in one of the three "Local Knowledge" windows. Now enter the Title of your video. Next, click inside the "Category" window and scroll through the directory. Select the exact category that best describes the topic of your video.

6. Finally, scroll to the very bottom of the form and enter "submit". You're done!

Your videos will be activated within 24 hours of the first business day they are posted to Climate Now. We will first confirm that the video link is working properly and that the video and the topic are correctly matched. We reserve the right to decline or remove any incompatible videos, and we'll contact you to find the best solution.

Thank you for being a Community Leader at Climate Now!